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The Word Meanings Volume One program was originally released at the Speech Pathology Australia Annual Converence in Hobart, Tasmania in May 2003. This website is being prepared to support mechanisms to download a free trial version, for online ordering, for Frequently Asked questions, and for additional "plug-in" accent/language voice files.
Please contact us for more information, or install from the Apple App store
"Word Meanings" by Words Work (Robyn Dower and Jan Mackey), and ELR Software Pty Ltd is an Interactive Language Program designed to build understanding and recall of words by strengthening semantic processing. It enables repeated practice and the opportunity for reinforcement of word meanings at an error-free level. Based on the therapy manual Building Language: Word Meanings by Robyn Dower and Jan Mackey, Helios Art and Book Co, 1996, this Volume covers Picture Meanings, Spoken Word - Picture Links, and Written Word - Picture Links.