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  1. December 2019

  2. November 2019

  3. October 2019

  4. Sep 2019

  5. Aug 2019

    Forty seven new tasks have been added to "Reading and Spelling", in the "Consonant Sounds" subsection targeting spelling options for the /h/ sound ("h" eg hat), the voiced /th/ sound ("th" eg than, and "the" eg bathe), and the /y/ sound (eg "yes"). Within the /y/ sound, we have also included tasks targeting words which start with a /y/ sound but have no spelling representing the sound, eg the word "use" has three sounds "y-oo-z" but the /y/ sound is not represented by a spelling option. Other similar words include "union, unit, unite, usual".

    The /h/ sound is a consonant sound which is produced by a partial restriction of the vocal cords resulting in a quick burst of voiceless sound. The /y/ sound also involves a partial restriction within the mouth - the middle of the tongue is positioned close to the roof of the mouth and released, resulting in a voiced sound. The voiced /th/ sound is a long sound in which the tip of the tongue is placed on the top teeth allowing a long voiced sound.

    The addition of these activities almost completes one of our current goals, which is to provide activities that may be useful when teaching letter-sound relationships of the consonant sounds of English. There are now activities in the "Consonant Sounds" section targeting the following sounds:

    1. /p/ sound, spelled with "p, pp"
    2. /b/ sound, spelled with "b, bb"
    3. /t/ sound, spelled with "t, tt"
    4. /d/ sound, spelled with "d, dd"
    5. /k/ sound, spelled with "k, c, dk, ch, q"
    6. /f/ sound, spelled with "f, ff, ph, gh"
    7. /s/ sound, spelled with "s, ss, se, c, ce"
    8. /z/ sound, spelled with "z, zz, ze, s, se"
    9. /ch/ sound, spelled with "ch, tch"
    10. /dge/ sound, spelled with "j, g, ge, dge"
    11. /sh/ sound, spelled with "sh, ch", and the range of words with suffix endings
    12. /th/ sound, spelled with "th"
    13. /th/ (voiced) sound spelled with "th, the"
    14. /m/ sound, spelled with "m, mm, mb"
    15. /n/ sound, spelled with "n, nn, kn"
    16. /r/ sound, spelled with "r, rr, wr"
    17. /w/ sound, spelled with "w, wh, u"
    18. /l/ sound, spelled with "l, ll"
    19. /ng/ sound, spelled with "ng, n"
    20. /h/ sound, spelled with "h"
    21. /y/ sound, spelled with "y"
  6. July 2019

    Sixty new tasks have been added to "Reading and Spelling", in the "Consonant Sounds / Other consonant sounds" subsection targeting spelling options for the /l/ sound ("l" eg lid, and "ll" eg bell, collar) and the /ng/ sound ("ng" eg ring, and "n" eg sink).

    The /l/ sound is a consonant sound in which the tip of the tongue is positioned behind the front teeth allowing the voiced sound to escape from the sides of the tongue - it is a "long, voiced" consonant sound. To produce the /ng/ sound, the back of the tongue is placed against the uvular, completely stopping the sound from escaping out of the mouth, ie this is described as a "nasal" sound - the sound comes out of the nose.

    The addition of these activities continues one of our current goals, which is to provide activities that may be useful when teaching letter-sound relationships of the consonant sounds of English. There are now activities in the "Consonant Sounds" section targeting the following sounds:

    1. /p/ sound, spelled with "p, pp"
    2. /b/ sound, spelled with "b, bb"
    3. /t/ sound, spelled with "t" and "tt"
    4. /d/ sound, spelled with "d" and "dd"
    5. /k/ sound, spelled with "k, c, dk, ch, q"
    6. /f/ sound, spelled with "f, ff, ph, gh"
    7. /s/ sound, spelled with "s, ss, se, c, ce"
    8. /z/ sound, spelled with "z, zz, ze, s, se"
    9. /ch/ sound, spelled with "ch, tch"
    10. /dge/ sound, spelled with "j, g, ge, dge"
    11. /sh/ sound, spelled with "sh, ch", and the range of words with suffix endings
    12. /th/ sound, spelled with "th"
    13. /m/ sound, spelled with "m, mm, mb"
    14. /n/ sound, spelled with "n, nn, kn"
    15. /r/ sound, spelled with "r, rr, wr"
    16. /w/ sound, spelled with "w, wh, u"
    17. /l/ sound, spelled with "l, ll"
    18. /ng/ sound, spelled with "ng, n"
  7. June 2019

    Fifty three new tasks have been added to "Reading and Spelling", in the "Consonant Sounds / Other consonant sounds" subsection targeting spelling options for the /r/ sound ("r" eg rat; "wr" eg write; and "rr" eg arrow), and the /w/ sound ("w" eg web; "wh" eg whale; and "u" eg queen).

    The /w/ and the /r/ sound are consonant sounds in which movements of the lips (/w/) or tongue (/r/) modify the sound. This contrasts with other consonant sounds which are completely stopped and followed followed by a small "explosion" (eg /p, b, t, d, k, g/), or partially stopped and released as a "long continuous" sound (eg /f, v, s, z, sh, th/). Compared to these sounds, /w/ and /r/ are more resonant, and are sometimes described as a semi-vowel (/w/) or a glide sound (/r/). The /w/ sound is produced by pursing and releasing the lips to partially obstruct the sound, and to produce an /r/ sound, the tongue curls up to partially obstruct and modify the resonance of the sound.

    The addition of these activities continues one of our current goals, which is to provide activities that may be useful when teaching letter-sound relationships of the consonant sounds of English. There are now activities in the "Consonant Sounds" section targeting the following sounds:

    1. /p/ sound, spelled with "p, pp"
    2. /b/ sound, spelled with "b, bb"
    3. /t/ sound, spelled with "t" and "tt"
    4. /d/ sound, spelled with "d" and "dd"
    5. /k/ sound, spelled with "k, c, dk, ch, q"
    6. /f/ sound, spelled with "f, ff, ph, gh"
    7. /s/ sound, spelled with "s, ss, se, c, ce"
    8. /z/ sound, spelled with "z, zz, ze, s, se"
    9. /ch/ sound, spelled with "ch, tch"
    10. /dge/ sound, spelled with "j, g, ge, dge"
    11. /sh/ sound, spelled with "sh, ch", and the range of words with suffix endings
    12. /th/ sound, spelled with "th"
    13. /m/ sound, spelled with "m, mm, mb"
    14. /n/ sound, spelled with "n, nn, kn"
    15. /r/ sound, spelled with "r, rr, wr"
    16. /w/ sound, spelled with "w, wh, u"
  8. May 2019

  9. April 2019

  10. February 2019

  11. January 2019

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